


Issues in Dermatopathology

What is an adequate margin for a basal cell carcinoma?

Leboit PE. 
Am J Dermatopathol 2004;26:259-262. .

There are few topics in clinical dermatology and dermatopathology more common than the determination of surgical margins for a basal cell carcinoma. Surprisingly, there are still many controversial issues as to what exactly constitutes a true negative margin. This case discussion was originally presented in our sister site, Got Path? The response from surgical pathologists and dermatopathologists alike was so overwhelmingly positive, that I was encouraged to post it in our site as well.

Please click on this link to our sister site, Got Path? for a comprehensive discussion.

When you have reviewed the case and discussion, please comment, I will post them anonymously.

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Additional References:

The Doctor's Doctor-Basal Cell Carcinoma


Last Updated May 23, 2005

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